Confidence Building Exercises with Jeff!
Jeff is a sweet, eager and mildly insecure little dude. We are working on a lot of different aspects of training with Jeff including obedience, impulse control, confidence building and socialization. This is a super successful session where he goes from being terrified on the training apparatus to actually standing on it with two feet! Yay Jeff! Dogs are SO capable.. way more capable then we think they are. It is wonderful when we can teach them things that give them a purpose. It feeds the mind and soul!
Progress Update!
Check out an updated video on how Jeff is doing! Below, we are practicing "down" with some chase breaks in between. Jeff is a super active boy and too much stationary obedience bores him. I like to take treat chasing breaks in between down's to keep his energy flowing and in control as to not disrupt our practice. He's a super star!!